Sunday, 16 September 2012

What's My Face Worth?

I've seen this tag spreading round the blogging world like wild fire this past few weeks (I think namelydown to the lovely Louise at Sprinkle of Glitter) and I thought I'd jump on the band wagon and see how much money I'm chucking at my face on a daily basis. This is how I wore my make-up when I went out for a meal and drinks with friends last night and is fairly typical of how I do my make-up on a normal day, minus the ridiculous eyelashes and bright red lipstick obvs. 

Mac Fix+ 30ml - £7.50
Lord & Berry Eyeliner in 'Nude' - £7.50

Total - £197.44

Now I know that's still A LOT of money to be smearing on my face everyday but I honestly thought it was going to be worse. A lot of the ones I've seen on other people's blogs have been £300+ so I'm positively cheap in retrospect. Bargain Becca, that's me. 



  1. Seems extravagant when you realise how much you spend on make-up. I did this tag earlier in the week on my blog and I was shocked!
    Great blog by the way.



    1. I know its crazy! I hate to imagine if you added on skincare/brushes etc! Ill take a look at yours now thankyou :) x

  2. I'm way too scared to do this tag, my total would probably be through the roof! Great Post xx

    1. Haha I know, you should definitely do it though, it's a real eye opener! x

  3. Haha I keep seeing this but don't want to begin calculating the cost lol...I love the look you've done so I would say it's worth it ha! ;D

    1. Haha thsnkyou! You should definitely do it, I love knowing how much everyone is putting on their faces! x

  4. You look gorgeous and so does the make up :) Wouldn't call it bargain though lol :o That's a lot! Mine would probably be £30-£40 maybe £40 If im wearing foundation.. lol xx

    1. Aww thankyou! I know haha its ALOT of money its crazy, ive seen a lot worse though! :) x

  5. not cheap but worth every it :) you look amazing!
